It’s been another great year for the Delaney Family, and we hope your year has been filled with just as much love and happiness! A quick update on each of us…
Brian is still working for BAE Systems, writing computer software. Jaime is still teaching – same school, different grade level and subjects though (6th grade Science and Ancient Civilizations). Not a lot of excitement in the work arena for either of us, but I suppose that is mostly a good thing.
Lily started 1st grade this year! She is going to The Imagine Classical Academy, a new charter school that opened up just down the road from us. It has been a big adjustment from the daycare setting she had been in for over 5 years (including Kindergarten), but overall is going pretty well. She is into all sorts of extra-curricular activities, including soccer, art, dance, and

swimming. She is a busy kid for sure, but loves all of it. We still have our pets Nala and Woozle (a Lhaso Apso, and guinea pig).
Now for an update on the major events of our year…
We splurged a bit this year and took 3 vacations. The first was our annual Skiing Trip in January. We did it up right this year and stayed 4 days at Keystone, CO in a slopeside condo. Lily did ski school again, we had a great time on the slopes and enjoying the surrounding activities. It was a beautiful week, and not crowded at all. Couldn’t have asked for a better trip.
In March, we took a 6 day trip to Chicago on the

Amtrak train! It was tons of fun. A Spring blizzard threatened to keep us home, but we made it out of town just in time. We stayed at the Essex Inn on Michigan Avenue, and went to all the big museums – Science and Industry, Field, Shedd Aquarium, and the Adler Planetarium. And of course we went to the top of the Sears Tower. Also couldn’t pass up the opportunity to eat at the Rainforest and Hard Rock Cafes! Lily loved it so much that she constantly asks to go back, and is already dreaming of going off to college there.

Our big summer vacation this year was in July – to Glacier National Park (in northern Montana). We spent 11 days touring and hiking some of the most amazing scenery in the country. Nothing else will ever quite compare to it. The highlight of the trip was hiking the famous Highline Trail, a 7 mile trail that hovers on the edge of a cliff face, crossing waterfalls and snowfields, and has the most dramatic views you will find anywhere. We used it as our return path from the Granite Park Chalet, a backcountry overnight chalet only accessible to hikers. Saw bears a few times from a distance during the trip, but thankfully never encountered any on a trail. We did have a bit of an encounter with a moose, but fortunately we emerged unscathed. Lily earned her Junior Ranger badge while we were there, an accomplishment she was very proud of. During our trip, we also ventured north into Canada to see Waterton Lakes National Park. We stayed at this historic Prince of Wales Hotel. Finally, on the way home, we stopped by Yellowstone / Grand Teton National Parks (where we had vacationed 3 years ago) Saw some familiar sights, and tried out some new ones as well. All total, Lily and Jaime hiked about 28 miles during the trip, Brian hiked something closer to 50. Lots of great family memories of course, which is what vacations are all about ☺

We have also made several trips to Naples, FL during the year to see Jaime’s family. At the end of 2008, we joined them for Christmas, spending a day at Sea World and Magic Kingdom while we were there. We ate breakfast with the princesses in Cinderella’s Castle, and met the famous Shamu. It was a really great time for everyone. Jaime and Lily went back in June – and the whole gang went on a tour of central Florida. We saw the Circus Museum, Downtown Disney, and WeekiWachee Springs where we got to see and meet real mermaids! Finally, all of us were just there for Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. We went to Cassidy’s cheerleading competition, and as always, the cousins had a great time together. Lily even got to meet Santa with them!
The summer was a busy one. Lily did several summer camps, she spent a week at each of the following: Nature Camp, Zoo Camp, Art Camp, and Space Camp (at the museum in Denver). She had

a blast at all of them and wants a repeat next year. Also during the summer we spent a day at the North Pole Amusement Park, and took a weekend trip to Denver for the 4th of July, where we watched fireworks, went to Lakeside Amusement Park, and Waterworld! Other short trips to Denver included a trip to the Botanical Gardens for their special Dinosaur display, and back to Union Station to see Disney’s “A Christmas Carol” promotional train. We also took a backpacking trip to the Lost Creek Wilderness one weekend.
Near the end of summer, Lily had her 6th birthday party at the Bear Creek Nature Center. She had about 20 friends attend, including her cousins Abby, Emily, and Jake who had recently moved here from New York! Her Florida grandparents came as well, and later that weekend we spent 2 days at Estes Park, staying in the Stanley Hotel. She managed to earn another Junior Ranger Badge – this time at Rocky Mountain National Park - two in one year!

Most of our weekends seem filled with fun of some sort. Many of them, of course are filled with Soccer games. (Lily’s team was undefeated for the second time this fall!) We also have season tickets now to the Colorado Springs Philharmonic, which performs once a month. We have seen two Disney on Ice shows this year, made several trips to the Zoo, and of course spent many Saturdays hiking around the beautiful area that we live in. We joined a gym this fall, and spend quite a bit of time there, especially on the weekends so that Lily can enjoy the large indoor pool. There is hardly ever a free moment, but rarely a dull one either.
We have enjoyed spending time with many of our family and friends this year, and hope to keep in touch even more next year (hint- Facebook has made that a LOT easier!) Wishing you a wonderful holiday season, and happy and safe 2010!
Brian, Jaime, and Lily
P.S. Trip Reports, Major updates, and links to our Photo Album can be found at
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