Last weekend we took Lily to a Chemical Magic show put on by Cool Science. It was at Bear Creek Nature Center. Even though we had been there several times I printed out a map from Google just in case, as we got close we realized the map was having us go a different way than we were used to. We made the unfortunate decision to ignore our instincts and follow it. Google never leads us wrong, after all, right??? Wrong! It was totally wrong. So we were running a few minutes late after we had to backtrack then go the way we knew.
The room was almost full, only a few seats in the back. Lily was bummed that she wasn't going to be able to see, but the lady next to us told us there was one seat empty in the front row. Lily didn't mind being seperated from us if it meant she could see, so she got a front row seat! I stood up in the back most of the time to get a better look, and keep an eye on her. It was really cool... lots of the typical color changing reactions but some new ones I hadn't seen before too. And some exploding volcano type reactions, disappearing liquid reactions, all the stuff that gets people's attention for sure. And they got lots of kids to volunteer from the audience. The first few times, Lily was the only kid in the room not raising her hand, but finally she got more confidence and started raising it. She never got picked but I was glad she was willing anyway. After the show we looked around in the Nature Center a little, then it was time go - we had yet another adventure planned for the day!
We stopped for a quick lunch at Noodles, then headed on down to Cheyenne Mountain State Park where Lily was signed up for a Bird Songs Class. This time we were actually early and had time to look around in the brand new Visitor's Center. It was a much smaller group than the Chemistry show, they heard a story and made bird calling devices. Then they took us a little ways down a trail to use them. We didn't see many birds, but Lily wanted to hike the rest of the trail after the class was over. We decided to buy an annual State Parks pass, then headed back to the trail on our own. We hiked the loop - a short 1.5 miles, but saw several more birds. Lily really wanted to do more, but it was getting late and we had things to do. We promised to come back tomorrow, afterall we had an annual pass now. So we headed on home, then later got our favorite yummy dinner at our favorite yummy Mexican restaraunt.
After Church on Sunday, I had a meeting and some other school stuff to do, so Brian took Lily back to Cheyenne Mountain State Park for a longer hike. They had a great time and saw a lot of wildlife. Lily especially liked watching the prairie dogs pop out of their holes and bark! They did a little over 5 miles, and Brian told Lily she had earned some ice cream. So after dinner we went to Coldstone (by the movie theater). The Baskin Robbins by our house doesn't stay open late at night during the Winter.
Also on Sunday, Lily planned a vacation for her stuffed animals Hammy and Poodles... to Disney World! She spent all morning telling us about their plans -they were leaving today! Imagine her surprise when she later got an email from them... complete with a picture of them in front of the Castle! She was excited at first, but it became more than a game to her that night, and she got very worried about them being off on their own for so long... so they came home early to sleep with her. They could always go back tomorrow afterall.
She is starting Dance class again. She had been asking for some time, and I finally relented. SO much for the "two activities only" rule. She already has ice skating, and soccer will start in a few weeks. But at least I think I found a place that I will like better than where we were last year. She has her first class tomorrow, so we will see how it goes.
Her Summer schedule is coming together nicely. The last two summer camps are hopefully a go -sent in the registration forms today. If all goes as planned, our summer will look something like this:
June 4-10 - Naples FL, Visit Jaime's family
June 15-19 - Lily @ Nature Camp, Fox Run Park
June 22-26 - Lily @ Zoo Camp, Cheyenne Mtn Zoo
July 9-19 - Family Vacation to Glacier / Waterton / Grand Teton National Parks
July 20-24 - Lily @ Space Camp, Denver Museum of Nature & Science
July 27-31 - Lily @ Little Flippers Camp, Art Sports Gym
August 5 - Lily starts 1st grade!
So we will have a little bit of downtime, hopefully get to make some fun trips like the North Pole, Water World, etc.
So Spring Break is getting closer, and we are getting excited for our trip to Chicago! Only 2.5 more weeks of school to go. And now that the weather is getting so warm, and the sun is coming up sooner, the bleakness of February is starting to fade. It couldn't have come any sooner!
Here are some pics of Cheyenne Mtn State Park, and Lily's pets' vacation. Enjoy!

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