Well as usual Fall Break is slipping by in what feels like no time at all. I used to be so productive on these breaks, but lately it feels like I don't get anything done at all. Oh well, its still nice. So we got back from Moab, still haven't totally finished unpacking and getting laundry caught up though. I've been busy with lots of Auction stuff, but like everything else I just am not making progress very quickly.
So it turned out that we didn't miss as much on our trip as I had thought - Lily soccer team was supposed to do team pictures after the game she missed, but they ended up rescheduling them. And the birthday party we were going to miss, for her friend John, got reschedule too and she ended up getting to go! She did miss a family tree project at school, but she said her teacher helped her make it up when she got back. So all in all, not too bad. Her new school is working out very well so far. She seems to be very happy there, and they are doing real "school" type stuff. She even has homework every night - its not difficult and only takes her a couple of minutes but at least I feel like they are taking academics seriously. The whole place just has a more organized feel to it, and I feel much more comfortable with her being left there every day.
Let's see, other than that...I made a Storybook (a digital scrapbook) of our Moab trip - the Creative Memories tracking page says it was shipped yesterday so it should get here tomorrow - YAY! I can't wait to see it. We got portraits done at Target last week with Lily in her Minnie Mouse Costume - I really like the way Target does portraits. They do lots of unusual poses but don't insist on changing the background 5 times. They are perfectly happy to let me keep one solid background for the whole shoot- that was always my complaint about Kiddie Kandids and even Sears to some extent. Busy backgrounds take away from the people and I never end up liking it as well. Unfortunately Target does take a little longer to get the pictures back - I won't be able to pick them up for another week, and they aren't even available online yet. As soon as they are I will upload them, I think they came out pretty cute.
I am also waiting, and anxiously checking the tracking page everyday, for Lily's Solstice present that I ordered last week. Since we will be in Florida for Christmas and will need to exchange gifts before we go, we have decided to so Solstice presents instead. I ordered her a "My Twin" doll, it supposedly will look just like her. I choose the eye, hair and skin color, then sent them pictures of her so they could get the face shape right. I am excited to see how it turns out. Won't be here for a few weeks though. I even got two matching outfits for her and her doll! I think she will love it, or at least I hope she does considering how much money I spent on it!
So that has been our week. Usually during each of my breaks Lily gets to stay home from school one day and have a "Fun Day", but with her just having started a new school (where she actually misses stuff when she's gone) and having already missed two days from our trip I just didn't feel good about pulling her out any more. So instead we are going to do some special stuff this weekend. On Saturday morning we are going to go to Fountain Creek Nature Center for a "Fishing with a Pole" class (I think they get to make their own fishing pole and then try it out). On Saturday night we are going to "Boo at the Zoo" (the zoo's Halloween party). Lily is going to dress up as Giselle. On Sunday afternoon we are going to a "Fairytale Concert" by the CS Philharmonic, it's part of a kid's series they are doing this Fall. And then Sunday evening we will probably go over to John's house for game night. So it will be a busy weekend, but hopefully lots of fun!
I still have three more days (counting today) of break, but still lots to do. I have spent quite a bit of time doing some stuff that needed to be done on the compuer, have had a few mishaps along the way. Lost 3 years worth of email on one account, several weeks worth of budget info, and almost lost my entire iTunes library- OOOPS! But things were getting crazy out of control so I had to do something. Hopefully there won't be any more screw-ups. Well that's its for now - I should probably get started on this massive to-do list. I will post about our weekend next week!
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